Tecnología Software Multiparadigma

Página del grupo: http://www.dsic.upv.es/~gvidal/german/mist/

The research activities of the MIST group are focused on the development of techniques for assisting the construction of reliable software through all its life cycle: specification, debugging, verification, optimization, and maintenance, always with a solid formal basis that allows us to formally check both the correctness and the effectiveness of the developed techniques.

The research work done by the members of the group is centered on different aspects of programming languages:
- the study of semantic aspects,
- the design of new program analysis,
- the definition of partial evaluation (specialization) and program transformation techniques,
- the design of methods and tools for profiling, tracing, slicing and optimization, specially for concurrent programming languages.


Vidal Oriola, Germán gvidal@dsic.upv.es Catedrático de Universidad


Herrero Cucó, Carlos cherrero@dsic.upv.es Titular de Escuela Universitaria
Llorens Agost, Marisa mllorens@dsic.upv.es Titular de Universidad
Oliver Villarroya, Javier fjoliver@dsic.upv.es Titular de Universidad
Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc jsilva@dsic.upv.es Titular de Universidad

Contratados y becarios


Partial evaluationThis line is focused on the development of partial evaluation techniques. Basically, a partial evaluator takes a program and "part" of its input data, and returns a new program which is specialized for the given data. We consider both online and offline techniques and apply them to the specialization of functional, logic, and functional logic programs.
Specification and verificationThis research line is centered on the development of new techiques for the specification and verification of properties in concurrent systems and languages.
DebuggingIn this research line, we consider different kinds of debugging, including profiling, tracing, slicing, algorithmic debugging, etc. These techniques have been applied to functional, logic, and functional logic programming languages, as well as to concurrent languages like Petri nets, CSP or Erlang.